Monday, January 24, 2011

I crush on you lah, Zaquan Adha

Then, when I knew the news about his marriage with Ayu Raudhah, I was acting like

HAHHAHHAAHHAAAA. I cant accept that ! this is multishit. hahaa. and I swear, I dont give a flying spaghetti monster about this. *evil laugh* HEYY, jahatnya kau Emma. *im joking* lol 

A million congrats to my ex crush. Now, I dont have any desire towards you again after your marriage and I dont want to hope more with you. i need to move on, I know i just be your fancrush from afar all along this time. I will move on. Happy nikah nikah my ZAQUAN.  HAHA. Booooo! macam real je aku ni.  =,=